Thursday, September 5, 2019

All we have is each other...

This last week we have been living at my parent's house in Sandefjord after packing all our stuff into storage. Now we don't have an apartment, I don't have a job - all we really have is each other. It's a bit scary, but I also feel free. There's so much freedom in having little. Some may say that we're crazy, and I can see why, but for me living with lots of stuff that demand a lot of time and upkeep, and also requires money, is crazy. I don't want to be working my ass off just to be able to keep up with the latest trend, buying a bigger TV or a new couch, just waiting for the summer holiday. To me that sounds crazy. In Norway it requires lots of money just to be here; housing, electricity, food. The ticket to be in the game is so expensive that you easily get lost in the game just by getting that first ticket. Our easy living lifestyle is not so easy here in Norway, and is one of the reasons that we're going to Bali. Another reason is the weather. We just LOVE summer and the winter darkness in Norway doesn't tempt much.
Two weeks from now we will actually BE in Bali for real!!! I'm so excited, but it still feels a bit unreal. Sometimes it dawns on me and I suddenly get really stressed and I start questioning everything. But then I remember why we're doing this, and I just get so excited that I want to scream out loud :)
This is just life, and I want to fill it with experiences and memories, not things and money. I believe that the Universe will provide us with all we need and that our gut will lead us in the direction we need to go. We don't have all the answers but that's what makes this so great!
We'll update the blog with pictures and post about our life (ups and downs) in Bali.

Join us in this crazy, joyful journey, traveling through life :) 

Live life and love it

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