Sunday, July 14, 2019

We're going to Bali!

It's been one year since my last post where I said that I was getting the blog back on track. Sorry, but one year between posts is not back on track.

So now I will give an update... a very short version update (a lot of things happen in one year, and it's not that interesting).

About one year ago we finally made a plan - to go to Bali! Now one year later we actually have bought tickets and I (Lotte) have quit my job as an Occupational Therapist and we're about to move out of the house we've been renting for the last year.
It's been a long journey to finally get to this point where we're actually doing what we want to do instead of feeling trapped in a lifestyle that doesn't suit us. 

This blog will now be a journal where we will share pictures, experiences and thoughts along the way, and we hope that by following our journey you will also start to look within to figure out if you're really living the life you want. We've never said that everyone should travel and do what we want to do. We only want people to follow their hearts and do what feels right for them, not to live a conform life only to please the society, family or friends. Whatever feels right for you, is right for you. 

I will do my best to keep this blog updated from now on. 
From August we'll be packing and storing our things, and September 18th is the magic date; the day that we'll get on the plane to go to BALI :) 

That's all for today! Now I will join the other two (drawing dinosaurs, or something).

Live life and love it


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