Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - Town of 1770

One month has passed since we first came to Australia… It feels like an eternity since we were in Norway freezing our asses off. We have enjoyed this lifestyle so far, and I don’t think that will change any day soon, especially now that we’re in Town of 1770. Isn’t that just the coolest name of a place ever?! It got its name because this was the place Captain James Cook first went on land in Queensland on May 24, 1770. Town of 1770 is a small place (you have to go to another small place called Agnes Water to get to a grocery store) just where The Great Barrier Reef start in the south. The camping ground we’re living on is situated in a secluded bay right on the beach. Some of the sites are practically ON the beach, but those were of course all taken so we’re happy with being in the second row. When I woke up this morning it was raining, but as I wrote that sentence I saw the sun look out through the clouds. We got here yesterday, and we have one more night at this camping ground. There’s another camping ground here in 1770 and another one at the beach in Agnes Water, so we might try the other two as well, and maybe we like it so much here that we stay here for a while J We heard that there was a lot of fruit picking jobs around Bundaberg, and we thought 1770 was closer than it really is so we thought we would get a job here, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of fruit picking going on around here so we’ll just have to wait and see. Maybe we’ll head up to Gladstone after a while, a city that’s a lot bigger that this small place and maybe we’ll find some kind of fruit to pick J

As I said we came here yesterday. When we got off Fraser Island we went to Bargara, a small place 15 minutes east of Bundaberg. Bundaberg was a lot bigger than we thought it would be so we just drove through it and to the beach in Bargara. There we lived at a camping ground close to the beach. Wonderful! We went in to Bundaberg and bought ourselves a RV-tent (a tent you attach to the side of the car) and new camping chairs (we broke one of the ones we had). When we were on Fraser Island we got the idea of getting a tent. When it was raining or the wind was a bit too much we had to go into the car, and we thought it would be nice to be able to sit outside regardless of the weather. So we got our tent on Friday, and on Sunday evening it came in handy. It started to rain like crazy and there was a big thunderstorm, but this time we were not forced to go into the car, we could sit outside! I must admit we didn’t know if the tent would survive, cuz we didn’t have a hammer to get the pegs in right, but fortunately the tent was still standing the next morning. We now have a hammer and extra pegs to secure the tent so now nothing can stop us J

Well, now I’ll go make myself a cup of coffee, and maybe JT will be up soon (hopefully with the sun shining) J


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