Friday, November 2, 2012

Byron Bay

We are now in Byron Bay. We came here on Wednesday 31.10 and we are going to stay until Monday 5.11.

 We left Southport for Nimbin on 29.10, it was lovely leaving the bigger places for the countryside. The landscape and nature we passed through on our way to Nimbin was a pleasure both for the eyes and soul. Mother nature was grand and the moments were epic. It was calming and a delight to change the city with trees, mountains and plains, especially after we were struggling for so long to get our car registered. We went back and forth between banks, hotels and the department of transportation and main roads to get a legal document confirming that we had an Australian address, that we have got from our friend Jude. But we needed a Queensland address, and after hours trying to figure it out we found out we could use our receipt from the camping place we stayed in Southport, a receipt we had all along... Who knew that we could use an address we just stayed for two nights? Well… hours of testing our patience… and hours of learning. It all worked out, and now we have bought insurance too. We arrived in Nimbin in the evening Monday. A nice and calm place, everything was closed when we came. It’s a very small place so it`s not that weird they`re closing earlier than the bigger cities, but it was extra early for us since we didn`t take into account that New South Wales has daylight savings and Queensland don`t.. Still stuff to learn… Nimbin was a fascinating place with idealistic and conscious people caring for each other and Mother Nature. A lot of the same values we have ourselves like freedom to the individual, justice for all, and sustainability for people and nature. They have no big chains like McDonalds, K-mart etc. in Nimbin, just local stores, many focusing on organic products and foods. A lot of alternative people here too like healers, palm readers and so on…
After two nights in Nimbin we drove to Byron Bay, on the way we stopped to walk to the top of Mount Warning. Beautiful walk through the rainforest, 9 km all together to get to the top and back. Wonderful view from the top, we were able to see Byron Bay and the ocean from there, other than that it was hills and mountains as long as the eye could see.

It’s funny when you have these special experiences with nature or people you really acknowledge and see the big picture, the truth about existence, that we are all working towards the same goal. We are all reaching for relief and well being from where we stand. And it’s our unique individual life experiences diverting from all other life experiences that make us do and act differently from each other, and that makes us expand. The same diversity makes it sometimes difficult understanding other peoples choices and behaviors. But when we acknowledge that we all are motivated by the same thing (feeling good), it’s easier to just observe others and not judge. It all comes clear; the world and all that’s in it is perfect. We see the evidence in nature`s perfect balance for this to be true; nature with its cycles not needed to be controlled by man. The world with everything in it is perfect and balanced. So know this when the world seems other than perfect; the world hasn`t changed, but the observers perspective may have…

Now we are here in Byron Bay enjoying the beaches and the sea. It’s an alternative place like Nimbin, only much bigger.
Just wanted to share a poem I got from a man on the street at the end of this post. He asked us to share, no name and no address…

I Dare to Be My Self!
I am born into Original Innocence
I am a Be-ing og Infinite Love – with a infinite capacity to Receive & Share
I am a Be-ing of Consciousness – with infinite Clarity…Intelligence & Wisdom
I am a Be-ing of Infinite Joy
The Eternal Wild Free Spirit… of Love-Freedom-&-Joy ever-flows & ever-dances within My Heart.
I am a Be-ing of Great Spirit
I Believe in My Self, I Trust in My Self & I Love My Self
I All-ways love My Self… in a Natural, Healthy, Conscius & Joyfull way in All of my Words-Thoughts… Feelings… & Actions…
I believe in the Original Innocence of all Sacred Earth Be-ings
I believe in the Great Spirit of… all Sacred Earth Be-ings
I believe in each… & Every single Sacred Earth be-ing
Finding their own way back Home to their own Original Innocence to Love Themselves & All Beings
In a Natural, Healthy, Conscious & Joyfull way
In All of their Words-Thoughts, Feelings & Actions
We Honor & Respect Our Self & Each Other
We are Gentle on Our Self & Each Other
We Trust in Our Self & Each Other
We True-ly Love Our Self & Each Other
Whatever happens to one of us, happens to everyone of us…
Whatever happens to everyone of us, happens to each one of us…
We Laugh & Dance & Play Today!!
In this moment… with Conscious Gratitude… Deep Lovingness… & Eternal Devotion…
We Celebrate Our Self & Each Other…
We Celebrate the Eternal Wild Free Spririt… of Love-Freedom & Joy


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