Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I can't believe it! In one week we'll be packing our backpacks, getting ready for take off the next day. We have been waiting for this for such a long time that I got used to waiting, so now that the waiting is over it feels almost unreal. I guess sometimes it's easier to believe in something that's not present than to believe in your own dreams when they're right in front of you, in the present. It's a wonderful feeling... manifestation.... When I think of it we manifest things all the time, so it's weird how little faith we have in ourself and our ability to manifest. We get an idea for something we want to have or experience, and even though we actually get what we want (I would say, most of the time) we don't think that our dreams will come true every time a new idea or wish pops up... What if we took for granted that our dreams would come true.. Wouldn't life become more fun and filled with more happiness and joy..? We could use our time looking forward to "manifestation-day" instead of being frustrated about how we "never get what we want" (cuz that's not true at all, and you know it!). We have used this waiting-period in our life to get excited about the journey that we know is ahead of us, but I'm not going to lie and tell you that we never felt doubt or got sick of waiting; we did. But every time we felt like our dreams were a million miles away and it did't seem to get any closer we reminded each other of our truth; when you feel the joy of manifesting, even though it's not here, the manifestation will come - our thoughts and feelings need to be on the same frequency as our dreams for our dreams to come (and dreams are always on the frequency of joy). And here we are! One week and one day to go... It's amazing.... -Lotte


  1. Lots of continued Love & Thanks for including me in this string. I am very impressed with your actions. Stay great, keep on dreaming those dreams :) Love Always, Matthew, DD & Susie xo

    1. Thank you, dear friend! It's a privelege to know you. Good luck with your music. Keep sharing your gift with the world. Sending our love to you and your wonderful family♡

  2. Det nærmer seg nå ja. Kjempeglad på deres veiene og gleder meg til å følge turen. Supert at dere deler opplevelsene deres her :) God tur! Klem til dere begge (greit om jeg skriver på norsk eller foretrekker dere engelsk?).

    1. Takk for det! Det er bare å skrive på norsk. Vi velger å skrive på engelsk sånn at de vi møter på vår ferd og de vi har blitt kjent med på tidligere reiser også kan følge oss:)

    2. Regna med det var derfor dere skrev på engelsk ;)
