Thursday, October 3, 2019


Friday, September 27th we packed our bags and went on a "fast" boat to Gili Air (a small island just outside Lombok). The reason I say "fast" is that they say it will take one and a half hour to get from Padang Bai to Gili Air, while it really took three hours. For the first part we stayed inside but the petrol smell was so awful that when we got the chance, while stopping on Gili T, we went up on deck and that was sooooo much better.

We finally arrived on Gili Air - Air actually means "water" and not air - we got something to eat and found a place we wanted to stay. We stayed at Gilinta or Gili Indah for four nights (don't know why they use both names, but guessing one of them is old). We had our own small bungalow with a outdoor style bathroom. There was also a pool there, but it wasn't that nice.... but Nico who's swimming and jumping into whatever water he can find, loved it.

On Saturday we walked around the whole island. We stopped to take a swim but because of all the washed up corals it was hard to walk without getting hurt. We finally found one place on the south tip of the east side of the island where the sand was nice. We spent most days by this beach :)
After four days we decided to stay a little longer on this beautiful island so we found an even nicer place - Bel Air Resort - (more expensive, and with a nice pool) to really get the holiday feeling before going back to Bali ;) Sometimes you just have to spend some money on comfort to let yourself know that you're worth the best. I find myself thinking that I'm not worth spoiling, but I believe that it's important to show yourself that you matter and that you are worthy of everything that's good in life and to give yourself permission to prosper a little once in a while - and so we did :)

After Nico saw the big fish while snorkeling in Padang Bai he's been afraid to snorkel again, so we rented a glass bottom boat to take us to places where we could see beautiful fish and turtles. We saw many turtles, millions of colorful fish and A SHARK! After seeing that the big fish around the reef wasn't dangerous Nico got braver, so today (October 3rd) we all rented snorkeling equipment and went snorkeling just outside the shore of Gili Air. We tried to film under water, but it didn't work :( and then the battery went out before we got to try again so we're not able to show you all the beautiful fish and corals we saw. We'll try again next time we snorkel. Something is telling me this wasn't the last time :)

Gili Air has given us great memories, good food and JT got the Gili belly (like Bali belly, but on Gili), but after one week I feel that I'm ready to move on to new adventures, new beaches and new challenges :)

Tomorrow we'll be heading back to Bali after one week on Gili Air. We'll go back to Padang Bai and from there we'll get transport to Amed coast (don't know exactly where on the Amed coast yet).

Hopefully we'll get better WiFi access when we get back to Bali so we can update this blog and also our Instagram more often.

Some pictures from our Gili Air adventure
 Nico gets private transport from the hotel to the harbour :)

 Hair wrapping in the making

 First place we stayed; Gilinta/Gili Indha

 Glass bottom boat trip

 Bel Air Resort (we had to turn off the light under the bed - it was a bit tacky)

All the garbage on the Gilis get transported to Lombok by boat. 
Unfortunately some of it also end up in the ocean :(

New adventures waits :)

Live life and love it <3

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