Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Getting this blog back on track

Ok, so I'm trying to restart this blog.
First of all, since the last post lots of things have happened. In November 2013 we got a son, and because our visa expired we had to leave Australia and therefor went back to Norway in May 2013. The plan was to continue traveling as soon at the baby got a bit bigger, but everyday life got a hold of us, and we went in to the deep end of the pool and didn't see how to get out again. Now we're still in Norway, still living ha square life, but now I finally see that there will be a change. We have started to dream again, and we have started to make plans for what life should be, and we're working to get to Bali!

Why Bali? Have no idea. I just suddenly started thinking of it since the weather there is quite stable, and also my co-worker have been there, so I texted JT and asked him if he wanted to go to Bali with me, and he sayd "yes, when?". Of course I replied "now", but that was not realistic, som the goal now is to save up some money and then go to Bali in one year, and stay according to Our savings. If we like it there, we might just stay :)

This last year I have also attended a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer Program, and after my exam in August I will be a sertified Kundalini Yoga Teacher. My dream is to be able to arrange yoga-trips to Bali while staying there, to give people a glimpse of peace in paradise (within).

Ok, so now we're back blogging, and my goal this time is to share our ups and downs on this journey towards our next step, and also to share my journey towards becoming a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.