Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Back at Pete's Fish Farm

We're back at the fish farm, with many of the same people that were there last time. It was so natural to be back that it was almost a little weird. When we drove to the farm it felt like we had just been out shopping for a little while or something.
We haven't heard anything about any work yet, but we have been to several farms and left our name and number so if there's work they'll call. Now all we have to do is believe that we'll get the right job at the right time, trust that the Universe always provides for us and surrender all our concerns to the Universe and just wait, with open arms to receive the gifts the Universe has in store for us. With believing, trusting and surrendering everything will always work itself out.
Live life and love it!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Nothing ever stays the same...

Things always changes. Nothing can ever stay the same way. It's impossible for energy to not change. It's in the nature of all that is, all that ever was and all that will ever be. We grow, we get new ideas and what before seemed good suddenly looses its appeal. As we have said from the moment we decided to travel; we have no plans, we'll make it up as we go along. And again the Universe has turned our plans around; we decided to go back east! We were looking for work in Donnybrook and we suddenly got the idea to go back to Pete's fish farm in Penola, South Australia. The idea felt good and we jumped in the car and started to drive back east. It doesn't make sense and it's not logical. It's just a feeling and the feeling is REALLY good:) We started driving back on Feb 21st, and yesterday we arrived in Mount Gambier again. We tried to call Pete, but nobody answered, so we'll just have to wait and see later today to see what will happen. All we know is that we want to work here for a month or so to get money to travel back to the east coast:)

We haven't posted any pictures from our adventure in Western Australia so here's a little taste of the last month:

Parry Beach
Green's Pool:

Waterfall Beach:

Our camp at Parry Beach:

Tree top walk

There's a Dolphin discovery center in Bunbury where you can go swimming with the dolphins. We didn't go swimming with them, but there was one dolphin that was on the beach when we were there. 

 Live life and love it :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

South-West of Western Australia

Since last time I wrote we have been traveling further west. We first stoped in Denmark (yes, we are still in Australia) where we camped at Parry Beach for almost a week. We took day-trips to Green's Pool and Waterfal Beach. Wonderful places!
After that we traveled to the west coast where we have been traveling around the last weeks. We've been to Fremantle, a wonderful place outside of Perth with lots of alternative vibes (which we really like). We went to a concert there with a band called Oka. We had never heard of them before but some guys at a didgeridoo-shop told us they were good so we thought we would check them out. I'm so glad we did, cuz that was the most AMAZING night of my life!!! It was outside behind a hotel and everyone that was there was dancing right from their hearts! It was an experience of hearts uniting through music! We bought three cd's right after and we have been listening to them since then. Thank you, Didgeridoo-guys:)
We have also been to Bunbury, Busselton and Margaret River. We're enjoying life and each other!
Right now we're sitting at a cafe in Busselton looking for jobs... We might go to Donnybrook, where there's suppose to be alot of fruit picking jobs. The Universe has helped us so far, and we know it always will.
Live life and love it:)